Certified LEGO® Serious Play® Facilitator - Overview

LEGO® Serious Play® Coaching

Evoke deeper insight with coaching clients

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Certified LEGO® Serious Play® Facilitator - Overview

LEGO® Serious Play® Coaching

Evoke deeper insight with coaching clients

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Certified LEGO® Serious Play® Coaching. One Day Training

Learn LEGO® Serious Play® Coaching

The coaching tool for serious impact

What if your coaching clients could see their ideas more clearly? Construct visions of desired future states, model perceived blocks or barriers, devise new ways to overcome, work around, or even set new limits?

This is possible with LEGO® Serious Play® Coaching. And it’s super powerful.

LEGO® Serious Play® has been used for 25+ years in the facilitation space. Now, it’s coming to light as an incredible tool for coaching.

In facilitation, we focus on preparation but in coaching, we need to learn to ‘dance-in-the-moment’.

As coaches, we strive to unlock new understanding for our clients. LEGO® Serious Play® does just that. It brings a new perspective to the conversation. Literally.

Thought Leaders | Professionals | Game Changers


Our coaching training has been developed specifically for the needs of professional coaches. We have translated our expertise in visual and kinaesthetic learning into the coaching space. You will leave with the ability to unlock a new depth of understanding for your clients, far beyond mere words.

Thought Leaders. We’ve written 4 books about the method and you’ll get copies of them all. No other provider has added so much intellectual property to the original method of 25 years ago. Our version of LEGO® Serious Play® is like SpaceX, our competitors are still in the NASA era.

Professionals. Our customers praise our training as the best they have ever experienced, a testament to the meticulous care invested in designing the learning journey and ability to back up our claims from endless case studies from real-world practice.

Practitioners. We are more than trainers. We are accredited coaches who apply the learnings from this training in our daily coaching practice. With this approach, we continue to iterate and apply our learnings to ensure the training remains gold-standard.

LEGO® Serious Play® Build Levels for Coaches

Coaches Use The First Two Levels

SERIOUSWORK invented the Build Levels model in 2016, it has now become the industry norm.

Build Level 1

Individual Model Building

Coaching Training focuses on Individual Model Building. This foundation level enables participants to use LEGO® bricks to communicate ideas in a 1-2-1 setting.  Imagine if you could plug your brain into a 3D printer, a model you had built would make your thinking visible. Enabling you to quickly communicate complexity and then use your model and story to make your thinking accessible for others. All our classes teach this level including numerous hacks and improvements on the original method.

Build Level 2

Shared Model Building

As a team coach, you will find value in Build Level 2. At Build Level 2, participants create shared models collaboratively using the ideas from Build Level 1. Shared models enable groups to visualise shared goals or visions. Through telling the story of shared models groups can understand if they share the same meaning of a desired future state. We don’t know of a better method for visioning than shared model building.

For team coaches, we recommend completing the Build Level 2 Facilitation Training in addition to Coaching Training.

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Bigger needs?

In-House Coaching Training?

As coaches, we commit to professional development.  Organizations can develop their internal coaching pool with LEGO® Serious Play® Coaching training. This training not only improves the skill set of the individual coach but can create a ripple effect on the whole organization.

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