Certified LEGO® Serious Play® Educator

Serious Learning, Purposeful Play.

1 Day Build Level 1 LEGO® Serious Play® Education Training

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Certified LEGO® Serious Play® Educator

Serious Learning, Purposeful Play.

1 Day Build Level 1 LEGO® Serious Play® Education Training

Get Course Brochure

1 Day Individual Model Build Training

Making Thinking Visible

Trainee in SERIOUSWORK LEGO Serious Play Facilitator Training using LEGO Bricks

In this training program, you will learn how to use LEGO® Serious Play® to enhance your students’ communication skills; using the bricks like a 3D printer for their thinking.

Individual model building helps learners to make their thinking visible. Through this course, you will learn how to facilitate LEGO® Serious Play® Build Level 1 model building; leveraging on the principles of play to socialise learning and make tacit knowledge explicit.

Through case studies, you will see how the method has been applied in different educational contexts, before then designing your first LEGO® Serious Play® learning experience.

Trainee in SERIOUSWORK LEGO Serious Play Facilitator Training using LEGO Bricks

What sets our LEGO® Serious Play® Education Training Apart

Key Features of Our Training

Practice-Based Learning

Practice based learning.

This is our superpower. Throughout the training, you will have multiple opportunities to put what you learn about LEGO Serious Play teacher-facilitation into practice

Skilled Practitioners who Teach

Skilled practitioners who teach.

Your LEGO® Serious Play® education training will be led by experienced professional educators. They know their stuff and can offer you invaluable in the moment feedback in response to your specific needs and questions during the training

Comprehensive Training Materials

Comprehensive Training Materials.

You will receive extensive resources, including digital copies of all our our books, including “Building Better Learning”. You will also get your own LEGO® Serious Play® Window Exploration kit.

Session Design

Session Design.

You will plan and design your first LEGO® Serious Play® learning experience during the training – giving you the opportunity to take the key lessons learnt about objective setting and build question design back to your settings

LEGO® Serious Play® Upgraded

LEGO® Serious Play® upgraded.

This unique training had been intentionally designed to help you use the method to support learning. We have upgraded and hacked the original LEGO® Serious Play® method to respond to the context-specific constraints of learning environments – like schools and universities.

Gold Standard Certification

Gold Standard Certification.

You will receive certification upon completion of your training; recognised globally as a mark of excellence in LEGO® Serious Play® facilitation.

The Course Outline and Flow

1 Day LEGO® Serious Play® Education Training

What to expect

Before training

  • Get joining instructions and share dietary needs
  • Get access to SERIOUSWORK Online Community Platform on Circle
  • Optionally download books for pre-reading

Day 1 AM

  • The LEGO® Serious Play® skills build – as a participant
  • Pedagogy Pit Stops – learn why the method works
  • Practice facilitating the LEGO® Serious Play® skills build
  • Experience Build Level 1.5 – as a learner and facilitator

Day 1 PM

  • Session Design
  • Key lessons in preparing a successful online workshop
  • Build Level 1 ‘live’ facilitation experience
  • Enjoy the process of meaningful learning, through purposeful play!

After training

  • Lifetime access to our ‘graduate only’ Circle Community
  • On going Lunch and Learn webinars for graduates only
  • Option for ongoing coaching and mentoring


What our Education Graduates say?


This training should be offered to more staff within the English Schools Foundation. Every aspects of the course could be applied within our classroom settings. There was lots of hands-on, practice-based work with relevant theory, pedagogy and wider-reading recommendations to support our learning. The best workshop I’ve attended!

~Greg Rawson

Primary School Subject Lead at English Schools Foundation


We were guided through a series of hands-on practice-based experiences that encouraged us to focus on how LEGO® Serious Play® could add value to learning. Participants were engaged, communication flowed freely, and we uncovered insights – all while developing our own capacity as teacher-facilitators.

~Katharina de Vita

Head of Faculty, Manchester Metropolitan University


I thoroughly enjoyed my experience of SERIOUSWORK’s LEGO Serious Play for Education two-day workshop. It has given me the confidence to apply the method with my students across a range of classroom situations.

The training has opened my mind to new ways of thinking about how learning can happen

~Yuyan Lin

Teacher of Mathematics at Cheltenham Ladies' College

After Training Support

We’ll support your learning journey after class

SERIOUSWORK offer robust after-training support options for graduates. These support mechanisms ensure that graduates can continue to develop their skills, stay connected with the community, and receive ongoing professional development. All free of charge.

Lifetime Access to the Graduate Community

This is a golden goose of a resource. It is a library, a community, a classroom and a database. Join our ‘Lunch and Learn’ webinars for free ongoing training. Download sample workshop plans, and access the materials used in training and that come with our books. Meet other graduates, ask for help on your assignments, and so much more…

Graduate Only Lunch and Learns

After training, you can attend (free of charge) trainer run ‘Lunch and Learn’ webinars where we will share latest case studies and workshop plans, share latest hacks and upgrades and answer your questions.

One-to-one Mentoring and Coaching

After your training you can book a one-on-one session with your trainer before facilitating your first major workshop. This session is designed to provide tailored advice, answer any questions, and help boost your confidence. This is included in the course fee.

Preferential Access and Discounts

Our graduates get early access to innovations: Graduates are often the first to hear about and access new hacks, upgrades, new products and innovations from Serious.global. You’ll also benefit from special discounts on new courses, new books, and other resources.

Now Read the Books!

Towards the end of your training, you’ll hear your trainer say ‘Now read the books’. The 4 books we have written will make so much sense to you after class. 690 pages of wisdom to help solidify the ideas you learnt in class.

What’s included – a recap

All this.

World class training / LEGO® Serious Play® 3.0

We have been running classes for nearly a decade, and every time we run a class we learn, and update and improve our training.

You will discover a meticulously designed training that will give you much more than you expect. As Thought Leaders we have upgraded so many aspects of LEGO® Serious Play®. This is LEGO® Serious Play® 3.0.

Books and Course Handouts

Your fee includes books we wrote:

SERIOUSWORK, How to Facilitate LEGO® Serious Play® Meetings and Workshops, Mastering the LEGO® Serious Play®  Method, How to Facilitate the LEGO® Serious Play®  Method Online and Building Better Learning.

These books provide detailed guidance on planning and facilitating workshops​. They also come with additional downloads.

Ongoing Training Included

Through our Circle Community you can attend ongoing training webinars (free of charge), keep up to date with latest hacks and updates.

You can ask your trainer for advice before your first big (scary) assignment. Our after training support is brilliant.

High Value Certificate

Upon successful completion of the training, you’ll receive a certificate recognising you as certified LEGO® Serious Play® facilitator. We consider these certificates the highest value in the market, mainly because we have seen you facilitate in class. This is a very different approach the traditionalists in this market.

Your Own Personal Library

Also you will find our Circle community is your own personal library of LEGO® Serious Play®  wisdom. You can read and download so many resources. All our books. The Research and Theory underpinning LEGO® Serious Play®, sample workshop plans, updates to course materials, and videos of previous Lunch and Learn sessions. It’s a huge resource.


Above all, you’ll leave our training with confidence and skills to apply your new skills immediately. This is the result of practice-based learning, a lovingly polished learning framework, incredibly skilled trainers, who share their case studies, stories and best tools, tips and hacks.

Book your Spot

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Group laughing whilst sharing stories of their LEGO Serious Play models
Group laughing whilst sharing stories of their LEGO Serious Play models