
Price Rise for ONLINE training


Price Rise for ONLINE training


February 25, 2021

Sean Blair

You may remember in January we gave you a taste of some of our plans for 2021. We have been working hard on these behind the scenes including some exciting developments to our 2 Day Online LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® certified facilitator course. Participants now receive a paper copy of our book “How to facilitate LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® ONLINE” along with further branded course materials and access to a new Slack channel devoted to Online sharing.

These improvements plus additional operating costs brought about by Brexit (don’t blame us we voted *remain*) mean that we will be implementing a small price increase from 1st April of £100/€100. We hope that this will be seen as a reflection of our commitment to providing a gold standard service to our customers and as we enter this new chapter for SeriousWork we’d like to thank you for your support through this time of growth and change.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this price increase, please do not hesitate to contact who will be delighted to help.